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sad strumpet jenny

Romance forum refugee, often prone to snark.

Currently reading

Close to You: A Downside Ghosts Story (A Heroes and Heartbreakers Original)
Stacia Kane
A Lady Awakened  - Cecilia Grant 4.5 starsDon't tell my boss but I had to finish the last 50 pages surreptitiously at my desk this morning. I really loved this, although Martha's antipathy was daunting and lasted longer than I expected. Worth the wait - so nicely done, actually, and Theo is just adoooooorable. My only other quibble, and it's not really anything more than an observation: this seemed Victorian rather than Regency.I loved the estate management stuff - I didn't think it was too much at all. Listened to the audio 12-28-12: really good narrator! highly recommended.